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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    41 years old
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Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

At the cost of honesty


Honestly. We are all smart, we all know how to do it right, how to do it better, how to do it for sure. And phrases like "start with yourself" are everything! Isn't it?! We've all become experts on everything. The only problem is that we take our own faults, negligence and laziness as external causes. And, say, a dropped check on the street, for a drop in the sea - well, it is not because of you that the country is dirty and tons of garbage on the roads.

I began to notice more and more clearly such "little things" that actually form our attitude to life, habits and behavior. Too many things we do on an unconscious level - automatically.

Having decided to forgo the elevator, I realized this more than once when I was already halfway to my floor. No, it's not a small thing! I press the first floor (I'm in such a hurry, of course) and then walk upstairs. A cellophane from under a pack of chewing gum that accidentally fell out of my pocket, trying to hide behind the horizon from a gust of wind - not a trifle! Catch it, pick it up, throw it away - the norm!

Love what you do and be sure to do what you love! Do things from the heart, just with a smile, without self-interest, calculation or even the thought of wanting to reciprocate. It is very easy to start with yourself. Only this first step is the hardest - don't deceive yourself. Be extremely honest with yourself and strict. An extremely powerful tool and skill. Just imagine, you are completely honest with yourself. Would anyone be able to deceive you after such a hard skill? I assure you, no!


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1 Comment
  • Antonina Voloshina

    That's right! That's better, for sure. And for sure. Thank you.

    04:33 23.03.2023 Reply
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