Life.... is so long at first, and then it gets shorter and shorter with each passing year. No, not by a year, but by times, as if in geometric progression... why and why so? 80-90, and for some people even 100... Not 10-13, like a dog... Do we not have time to enjoy it? We don't have time to experience this life? In that case, turtles... Where are they going to go under 200?! The dynamics of life and habitat... Maybe that's a detriment.
We are allotted as much time as we need... needed for something, someone and for something. Each time you encounter one event or another in this life, you are likely to draw some sort of conclusion... analyzing the decisions, actions and outcomes. Each time, we feel so good about finding more and more right, better, more profitable and more satisfying courses... that we take this experience as axiomatic. Yes, over the course of our lives we find the "right" and "necessary" decisions, actions and even the very.... "right choice." Years later, decades towards the denouement... we seem to become truly wise, able to give advice from the heights of years lived, but... NO!
Everything that is good for you is increasingly and more likely to be alien to your children, grandchildren and the environment in general. It's funny... those experiences gained over the years of life are given to us for... what? To use it in the future? Hence the desire to live...further, and more, and longer. And if so, where is the end? At the moment of absolute knowledge of the world? For what? To pass on this incredibly valuable to others? So they have their own!? - If someone listens, you'll make the world a better place!
Selfishness is permanent in us, built in natively, but... your experience is in fact only of immense value to you. You are certainly rich! That's why you have a great opportunity to do charity work - share! Share your knowledge and experience!