The hard winter is over. I'm tired and apparently I've stopped understanding people. I really wonder if there are any real, honest and not one-day people left. I understand when a person changes after a shock or a difficult life situation, but when you don't recognize a person after a couple of months, it's fake. And it's wonderful when you manage not to make a step towards them, which could have turned out to be fatal.
You can't help comparing people, or rather their attitude to you, to understand whether they are a person or not. You appreciate a Person with his Attitude even more. And... it is surprising, but you want to be the same, to be able to do the same... to be able!
And now, having established the rules, I'm welcoming spring. It's just a matter of a little bit left... It's important not to give up! Everyone has something worthy of him... so for her I am ready to do anything!