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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
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    40 years
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Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
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The price of time: reassessing value priorities



Time that goes by so quickly has an incredibly high price. No... it's priceless! And only because there's no getting it back. So what can we do with this time so that it won't be painfully painful and frustrating?!

There is something that we unfortunately cannot eliminate from our lives that takes a huge portion of the pie called "24 hours". I'm talking about sleep now... And yes, we can certainly reduce the duration of it, but like everything else, there will be consequences. And healthy and sound sleep affects health, which in turn affects quality of life. Okay, we'll leave it at that.

As one of our favorite sayings goes, "these are such fast times, you even have to wait faster." Fast food... Uh-huh. But it's generally solvable here too. That leaves the main thing, the essential, the weighty and the hardest part - work! We give nine whole hours to something that, unfortunately, many people do not enjoy at all.

My beloved minimax does not let me go, and it is increasingly penetrating my life, affecting not only domestic issues, but also my work and personal life. Perhaps I am not ready to spend excessive time on something that does not bring pleasure. It is quite possible that I should replace one thing with something else with similar characteristics, so that I can still get satisfaction from the process.

Work is a process that most often results in a soulless end product. Perhaps there are exceptions when it comes to creative professions, but all the same, it is often not "the way I see it", but "the way the client wants it". Spending time creating is a pleasure. A painting done in five hours is a thrill. A website launched in a week of hard work is a buzz. All of this brings pleasure to the end product. A calculated paycheck, a sold phone or service to a client - something dry with an aftertaste like "oh well".

Right now I have two jobs and more than one open project. And so, perhaps, it is worth thinking about the cost of what my time is spent on and alternatives to the mini-max principle.


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