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Ilya Anisimov
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    41 years old
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Microsoft 365
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The price of media success


There is such a phrase - "counting other people's money".... and here, I notice that I started doing it. Why is that? Television games like: "The Weakest Link" and "World Mind Games" are to blame... indirectly. The amount of money the finalists of these games win is minuscule compared to what the "media personnel" get. The well-known Vilsa has 4.5 million rubles a month, while the more famous Wasserman has only 150 thousand. Isn't this the source of what is happening in society? Isn't this the root cause of madness and injustice? Is not behind all this lies the imminent decline of such a great country? If another, with all other similarities, can't stay at the broken trough at the expense of its economy and program industries, then... what will happen to us?

We are increasingly favoring pretty pictures and hype over meaning and substance. The age of consumption does not slow down from year to year, on the contrary. It seems that the quality of life is increasing, but at the expense of people and is it really? Maybe it's just a picture? Everything that should be valued over and above is being devalued! The salaries of doctors, even in the most leading clinics, are insignificant to the sums that residents of the Comedy Club and TNT stars receive. The salaries of some of them can feed some villages and hamlets, not just one family, as Maslyakov does.

On the same day, while paying tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars to hundreds of our "stars", we tearfully ask ordinary people to donate for a shot for a child to save his life. That injection, which is comparable to 3300 annual salaries of average residents of Murmansk or not the largest share of one media Muscovite.

These sunsets and sunrises... these gradations of color... how many distinctions and differences to opposites, though nature is quite the same, as is the bottom line. May tomorrow be bright for everyone.


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