Безусловное vs. Компромисс
Мир состоит из многих форм, факторов, субстанций и содержаний с характерами, оттенками, принципами и нравами… Вчера, сегодня и завтра мы…
When "must" becomes too much
But this “must” is really pressing… Necessity, missed opportunity, potential benefit in the future – so many “possibles”…
On the verge of change
It's all mixed up: people, horses... Soon to be two months of some quality new life for me. I so dislike formats and choices, ....
Love beyond time and boundaries
When it's overwhelming. You know, you can measure, evaluate, compare and taste just about anything. And it's getting easier and easier every day.
A fresh start
Life is endlessly interesting in its endeavors. And if you look at it that way. No! It's not the end of summer, it's...
We write the story of our lives
We write the story of our lives every time we perform an action. By refusing or performing at the will of another what...