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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
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  • Age:
    41 год
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Microsoft 365
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Be a guarantor


Spring. Learned today that I am extremely responsible for the next 12 days, for they will shape my next year. Each day is a month of life. ? It's funny if it were so primitively simple. You can artificially create events and facts and... we can do absolutely anything! There's no fear, no pain, no worries, no worries.

There is strength, there is excitement, there is thirst, there is life and perseverance! Just look at what nature is doing! Extraordinarily beautiful in her war of winter and spring! The sun that is already warming and the streams. It feels like nature has sped up, woken up and is in a hurry to get somewhere. Outside the window is only +3 °C, but the mood is +100500 °C. ?

Whence and how does awareness emerge? Spring is not about leaving and melting, but about infecting and blooming. It's been a curious first of 12 days. ? I wonder if it counts or not, since I only found out about the "rule" today! A realization of thirst, determination, willingness and perseverance! Self realization. It's the little things that make up the framework. And if it's time for the feathers and down to melt, so be it. And I will not get tired of strengthening the framework to remain a guarantor, to remain a priori, to remain without compromise, to remain without options - for sure. Once and for all! The rest are conventions, just as spring is sure to come after winter. How soon, with what weather: rain, snow, cloudy sky or scorching sun - it makes no difference. We know for sure! Let's welcome spring! #BeGarantee


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