
0 %
Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    41 years old
  • Education:
  • Family:
  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

Faster than life


Crazy fast times... now you don't have to wait. The mind-boggling speeds of the internet are ahead of life - you can live faster online. They're already working on 6G networks and in my opinion, it's a worrying sign of unchecked progress. Getting gigabytes in a second, or even less... That's okay. It takes 1-2 minutes for a cab to show up at the driveway. We fly between cities in hours. Calls and programs work offline, pouring results at us in CRM systems. Farther, bigger, faster... a hundred tasks solved by a call, a click of a mouse button. Turning into squirrels running in a wheel, we don't have time to be with ourselves, to be alone with ourselves, with our thoughts... we turn into a machine, a tool... someone else's device that makes money.

Give yourself a truly wonderful gift - go away, or better yet, on foot, to a place where there are no people. Someplace where there are no communications, no cars... no nothing! Someplace where you can be alone. Let it be a few hours.... for you to think about life, yourself as a person, human being and destiny. Just flip through page after page of your whole life, every day you can only remember in chronological order and so... that finally you don't have to rush anywhere, there are no urgent things to do or plans. Now one is to read or see in pictures every day you've lived.

I'm curious how long you'll last. I'm sure that even an hour will be a lot.... and that's only because you don't control yourself anymore. In my opinion, it is absolutely necessary to format and defragment your databases in the head, so that at least less often tired, because the search will be easier and faster.


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1 Comment
  • Aleksey Zazhigin

    Fucking great photo

    01:37 14.10.2019 Reply
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