Beauty. I have a permanent love for beauty. Unfortunately, I can't create something beautiful from scratch, but I can see beauty, as I believe. Beauty is in the details, it is too subtle, so it depends on many things. And the concept of beauty, in general, like everything else, is too subjective.
What does it depend on and is there a standard in this direction? Many things are closely connected and intertwined with beauty... let's say, fashion. Fashionable means beautiful... but no. If the concept is subjective, which I think you will also agree with, then one simple and logical conclusion is obtained - beauty is in uniqueness!
What are people doing to themselves now? Everything is being leveled to a certain standard, form, rule... People are losing themselves in the masses, trying to stand out, but in all the same ways as others. And this is the reason for the dead end - everyone is the same.
Beauty in youth and there is nothing more beautiful than it. Youth is different every time, at different ages you see young people who do not spoil themselves with “improvements” and you admire… silently, to yourself, inside. It is simply beautiful, which does not require any words.
Today, it is rare that a person does not have anything foreign: paint, threads, acids, etc. Yes, now everyone has a tattoo... Now imagine your uniqueness, if you only have your own. Your skin is clean, without drawings and piercings... A living person, not a canvas or a doll with silicone. You are real - your pride! And "improvements" are just a doctor's prescription.
Stay yourself. Be beautiful. Learn to see beauty in naturalness and purity – in the living!