I have probably already spoken about beauty and professionalism more than once, but what artists create never ceases to amaze and astound me. I sincerely envy those who can draw... with a pencil, spray paint or oil paint. It is amazing... and those paintings, the canvases of which are not one meter, generally amaze with the subject of their existence. How... well, how can you describe in detail what is in your imagination, while preserving the general essence of the picture. Fantastic!
I have asked people more than once about their preference for such a conditional and purely hypothetical situation: to know about everything in the world, but only a little, or to know about something specific, but absolutely everything. After repeated reflections, I have always come to the conclusion that the first option is definitely closer to me... But! How cool it is to be a standard... and I was mistaken when it seemed to me that there was no development in the case of choosing the second situation for myself. There is! There is definitely... At a minimum - improvement, adaptation and unification of that skill, that knowledge and experience of a person who has absolute knowledge of some topic.
If in moments of sadness, sorrow, loneliness you (the person in the first case) cannot find a place for yourself, trying one thing, two things, three things... drowning in hopelessness, then he (the person in the second case) happily takes on his favorite thing and performs the same movements for the hundredth time, drowning in the process itself.
Although I tried to explain my idea in general, without resorting to specific examples, I still had a specific image in front of my eyes - a gym instructor, a fitness trainer. The person who can hone his skills for the rest of his life, learning about his body and honing his technique to perfection... the inventor of his own unique training programs and/or exercises.
Everywhere and always something of its own is good. And, as it began to seem to me, there is no “golden mean” in life… it is a utopia, having reached which, the process disappears, the person dies. Like a wheel that can roll from side to side, with greater or lesser speed, but as soon as it stops, it falls at the same moment. Don’t let “your wheel fall”.