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How to recognize true love


If "it" ignites and fires up gradually, gaining more power, passion and less reason... So quickly "it" turns out to be just an attraction. How do you know when you are loved? 😧 This question may seem simple, but... what is the certainty that this "understanding" is not confused with "definition", because for everyone love is something different.

Can I not lie to you anymore?
Can I be honest with you, please?
Can I love you very much?
Can I multiply it a hundred times?

Can it be just me and you?
To be loved forever?
We can have just us.
So there's an "and" without an "or." Can I take you to Provence?
Can we go to Antarctica?
Can I talk exclusively about you
I'm going to think continuously?

Can a friend, you always.
You can cut it off!
She'll definitely say yes,
And then you'll get boring.

© Ivan Niko

In addition to the traditional and other things in my "understanding" the sign of "you are loved" is manifested in the repetition of the object. When they repeat you, they adopt your own habits and tastes. Coffee becomes delicious and sugar becomes disgusting.

Can you share someone else's opinion on the perception of love? Isn't your "love" the benchmark, and everyone else's is so-so, imitation, intriguing and cute? 😆 Finding an anti-argument for understanding "love" seems easy to me... it's too fine a line this polysubstance has.

A day, a week, a month, two months, six months... soon a year. And so tight, warm, lots of tenderness and desire... as suddenly... you're boring.


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