"Kazoku" is a Japanese term that means "cartoon" or "animated movie". The term is used in the context of anime, which is Japanese animation. The history of anime dates back to the early 20th century, when the first animated films began to be made in Japan. However, anime as a popular phenomenon began to take shape after World War II. In 1958, the first television animated series was released in Japan called Tetromin. Other popular series such as Astroboy, Mazinger Z, and Doramon followed.
Anime is now a significant part of Japanese and global pop culture. It has a huge audience both in Japan and abroad. Anime covers a wide range of genres including fantasy, science fiction, romance, drama, horror, etc., which makes it appealing to different age groups and categories of viewers.
A site without a control panel, working on HTML and CSS with JS. I optimized graphics to preserve quality and reduce file size (compression without loss of quality), which significantly speeds up the loading of the site. Copywriting was done by the customer. The technical task was to create a site-card of the product with links to social networks. For the site separately purchased a domain and hosting. Among other things, my naming initiative was accepted by the customer. The site does NOT use a monitoring system to analyze traffic and audience.