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Animals 3D


To get an unusual pet, say, a tiger, you can... virtually! Google will help you to look at it.

At the 2019 developer conference, Google announced that it would be adding augmented reality objects to its search results. And now, a year later, Google is offering an array of 3D models of animals that can be viewed in Google using AR, that is, to bring them into a real environment.

How to find 3D animals on Google

Getting Google AR objects is incredibly easy! You search for a particular object using your smartphone in the search engine Google. Google realizes that the easiest way to tell you what it's about is to see that object and suggests you do that with augmented reality (AR).

To make it easier to access, Google places its 3D animals and other AR objects right at the top of searches. For example, a search for "tiger" displays Google's knowledge bar, which often appears for movies, celebrities, and other queries. In the case of a 3D animal, Google will tell you what kind of animal it is, offer several images of it, and a section that suggests "View a life-size model of the object" and a button to "3D viewing".

What it takes to "see for yourself"

Google 3D Animals works on any smartphone. Typically, you won't be able to see AR or 3D objects on a desktop or laptop, so you'll need a smartphone that supports it. The good news is that most of today's smartphones support this opportunity!

How do I access the "View from yourself" option? After you press "Watch in 3D"button " will appear on any supported device.See for yourself" under the 3D image of the animal.

Notably, the animal appears life-size, but you can resize it with the familiar zoom gesture. Reduce the animal in size to better fit your environment.

List of 3D animals

So, what AR animals can you look up in Google Search? Google hasn't offered an official list for a while, but the popularity of these queries has prompted the company to finally, introduce him. The list below shows all 3D animals currently available on Google Search.

List of 3D animals
Brown bearCatPomeranian Spitz
LeoThe Easter BunnyOryol
Arctic FoxGuinea pigLynx
Mossy bumblebeeWhite-backed Woodpecker

Google adds new 3D models every now and then! The list has grown since Google first announced "3D animals" in 2019. Since then, the ability to record videos of 3D objects has also become available. Just press and hold the button on your smartphone screen that you're taking a photo with.

3D dinosaurs

Google is continually improving its 3D zoo by adding the ability to see dinosaurs in 3D.

The company added them to its collection in conjunction with the authors of the Jurassic World portalwhich specializes in reporting on prehistoric creatures. For the authenticity of the figures, as you now realize, you can not worry. The dinosaur models are as realistic as possible: they wiggle their heads, growl and sway like the real thing. At the moment 10 dinosaur models are available.

10 dinosaur models

Obviously, over time, this one Jurassic Park will be expanding with new models. The Jurassic World portal, which is where Google got it from. 3D models of dinosaursThere is information on a much larger number of ancient reptiles.

Other facilities* AR

There's more to Google search than just 3D animals. Google allows you to look at other objects as well (NASA 3D objects: Neil Armstrong и Apollo 11 command module) By partnering with certain websites and brands, Google shows products, furniture, and even the human body in 3D.

Planets and satellites
MercuryMoon (Earth)
VenusPhobos (Mars)
EarthDeimos (Mars)
MarsEuropa (Юпитер)
ЮпитерCallisto (Юпитер)
СатурнГанимед (Юпитер)
УранТитан (Сатурн)
НептунMimas (Сатурн)
ПлутонTethys (Сатурн)
Iapetus (Сатурн)
Hyperion (Сатурн)
Umbriel (Уран)
Titania (Уран)
Oberon (Уран)
Ariel (Уран)
Triton (Нептун)
*доступны на англоязычной странице поиска

Google сотрудничает с Biodigital, поэтому у нас с вами есть возможность увидеть нескольких трёхмерных изображений (похожи на 3D-животны) человеческого тела с подробными моделями различных систем организма.

Системы человеческого организма

Есть также множество других частей тела, которые имеют трёхмерные представления, но в поисковом запросе вам нужно будет использовать определённые ключевые слова (словосочетания), чтобы получить к ним доступ.

Части человеческого тела
Головной мозгТаз
Черепно-мозговой нервЭритроцит
НогаТонкая кишка
ВолосыТолстая кишка
РотГрудная диафрагма
Мышцы сгибателиЯзык

Кроме того, благодаря партнёрству с Visual Body Google демонстрирует трёхмерные модели клеток разных животных при поисковом запросе. Каждая модель детализирует различные части клетки таким способом, что некоторые учителя могут найти это полезным для своих учеников. 

Модели клеток
ProkaryoteSmooth endoplasmic reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulumChromatin
BacteriumNuclear membrane
Plant cellBacterial capsule
Rough endoplasmic reticulumPlasmids
NucleolusCentral vacuole
Cell membranePlasma membrane
Animal cellCell wall
Golgi apparatusCisternae

Время от времени предложение посмотреть 3D объект вовсе не появляется. Например, планеты можно посмотреть, если пролистать результаты поисковой выдачи чуть дальше. В списке 3D объектов появляется ещё больше объектов, например, легковые автомобили Volvo XC90 и Volvo S60, а также обувь New Balance FuelCell Echo. В будущем Google будет добавить больше и больше объектов в эту коллекцию. Может быть у вас есть что-то, чего не нашли в этой статье? Поделитесь с нами. Нам тоже очень интересно!

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