Approaches, sets, super sets and performance techniques... In the gym, as in life, you can try this or that variant to find your own... But no... not your own, but the variant that will give the desired result. And in life we get used to everything, and in training - our muscles.
In training, you have to be constantly on your guard and control the weight, the number of repetitions and the technique of the exercises. But in life... Eh...© When you have all the cards in your hand, life starts to play chess.
The desire to put life on rails can seemingly have its negative consequences - inertia, for example. It's creepy when life is inertia. And the question of directions, turns appears. If only to "play" with the speed at certain parts of life....
Both of these peculiar drugs (life and the gym) are addictive... Giving up one or the other is possible when things don't work out. But, having a clear understanding, "success" will definitely make you reduce the speed on the rails of your life to a minimum to enjoy every moment.