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Ilya Anisimov
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    40 years
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Fall evenings and thoughts


The sky smells of fall. We are just days away from the cold weather. Autumn is incredibly beautiful in our latitudes. The mad love for sunsets knows no comparison, no limits and no saturation.

Autumn is a special time when the world faces events that concern everyone. Alas, this is often of an extremely sad and even dangerous nature. In autumn it is worth fixing what was accumulated, comprehended and reconsidered in summer, because winter is ahead, which, as usual, does not bring a new birth, only a new number in the annals.

Night is coming back to us, which means that it's time for cozy evenings with a glass of red under an interesting movie, trips to the nature to meet sunsets and philosophical reflections on various topics around the campfire and... meeting the first northern lights.

The season of rains and delightful fresh air, the mesmerizing colors of tree leaves. Green, yellow and red on the ground and pink and blue in the sky. The season of walking through the forest in search of mushrooms and picking berries. A season when the fervor of emotion subsides and tranquility sets in. The return of the theater season. Finally! And smooth preparations for the new year, which many people are probably looking forward to.

This summer will stay with me forever! It's a summer like I don't remember in Murmansk. This summer will leave an aftertaste for a long time. And what will you remember from this summer on a polar and frosty night?


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