For a long time I have been thinking about words, speech and language in general or... no, in details. But now, alas, it's about something else, what hurts... what irritates me and makes me sick.
And yet... I can't help but start with a quote:
To treat language in a sloppy way means to think in a sloppy way: inaccurate, approximate, incorrect.
Alas, we have to take into account that times are nasty and cruel. Now even brothers have to lie, and sisters have to be betrayed by setting them up. More and more often there are those who, using a beautiful word, pursue a specific, self-serving, greedy goal.
Talking about the value of correct pronunciation and use of words is long overdue. But here are incredibly pathetic words like: "love", "dear", "miss". Everything is devalued! In an instant, "I love you" turns into "burn in hell." Still, I am inclined and convinced that it is about man himself. I believe that there are those who appreciate words and give them the strength, power and depth of feelings they contain. Every word has soul, emotion and feelings. It is not just a random set of letters or even a one-word designation of a thing, an object... A word is something more... at least for me.
"Words that are born in the heart reach the heart, but those that are born on the tongue go no farther than the ears."
It is customary to explain with words, but the REAL, sincere thing does not require explanations, and neither do words. Learn to hear with your eyes and understand with your heart.
"People commonly refer to friendship as spending time together, helping each other in affairs, exchanging favors - in short, the kind of relationship where self-love hopes to gain something out of it."
One of the French writer's favorite quotes... Once and for all. I am very grateful for life's lessons and great science.
For some reason I remembered Sultanova's text.
Say only what's important, use fewer words.
Even in anger, remember that the soul is fragile.
Small-minded, vindictive, weak, harsh -
Don't let in those who have a heavy hand.
Learn not to even label them.
Don't prove truths and theorems to anyone -
Everyone who walks has the right to take the long way.
Don't walk into a crowd/stranger's house/harem with your soul uncovered -
Only in the temple. And pitying/scolding someone -
Know that this is your vanity. Ashes. Decay.
Don't seek punishment, don't build a prison.
Dodge those who lay guilt like a whip on your shoulders.
The one who has realized something doesn't sow war around it,
Doesn't carry around meanness, flattery, lies.
And senselessly not crippled.
The rest of us live on borrowed time.
Breathe out a little. Don't be afraid. Don't break the boundaries.
Bridge your faith across any chasm.
I have walked among the fallen for centuries,
Picking up those who have found the cruelty in themselves,
And I touch their sleeping faces tiredly.
Only say what's important.